Financial Support

Course Fees & Funding

Find out how much your course will cost and how to finance your studies.

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Fee Payment Options

Find out about the different fee payment options available.

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University Level Courses

Find out more about the funding available for our Higher Education (HE) courses.

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Bursaries & Loans

Find out more about how to apply for bursaries and loans.

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Depending on your financial circumstances, you could be eligible for financial support whilst studying with Wirral Met.

Details on all of these funds are available from Student Services on 0151 551 7777.


If you are aged 16-18 you could be eligible for free travel - terms & conditions apply. Contact Student Services on 0151 551 7777 for further information.

Free Breakfast

Start your day in a postive way! We offer a free breakfast club with tea & toast. Monday - Friday from 8.15am to 9.30am (term-time only).

Free Meals

You may be entitled to free meals in college if you are aged 16-18. Please visit Bursaries & Loans for more information.


If you have children and are using a registered childcare provider, government funding for childcare is available through the Care to Learn scheme.

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